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WordPress Website in Namecheap EasyWP

Information Wordpress Website in Namecheap EasyWP

Want to have your own WordPress website? Searching for a user-friendly interface? Read to know what its like to have your WordPress website in NameCheap EasyWP.

What is Namecheap EasyWP? Is it Good for WordPress Website?

Created to managed WordPress website easily. Namecheap EasyWP made everything from installing to managing WordPress website fast and simple. I’m actually using it in one of my site. And just got it for a dollar a year. 😀

Just an additional tip if your planning to have your own website. You should always look for NameCheap’s promos and deals. Try reading Cheap WordPress Hosting – Make the Most Out of your Money to have an idea of what you need to look for when starting to host a website.

Now back to the topic, if your all confused on how to start self-hosted WordPress website. EasyWP can make it live in just a couple of minutes. Starting from installing WordPress on your server to creating user account. Up to selection and installation of themes and plugins. EasyWP was designed to quickly and easily guide you in an step-by-step configuration.

This limits confusion if your just starting hosting your own WordPress website. If you want to try EasyWP, visit Namecheap now. But continue reading as I will post all my experiences and issues in using this product.

Namecheap EasyWP Issues

From installing to making website live. EasyWP get’s the job done perfectly. You can easily start writing and posting blog after a couple of minutes of setting up. Though there are various issues that might or may not occur on your side. Below I’ve listed all the problems and solutions I experienced while using EasyWP.

Clearing Cache Issues

Using EasyWP default caching while using chrome may cause problem. Though chrome already have some issues in clearing cache, EasyWP caching seems to also show some issue. This problem might occur when you use WP Maintenance Mode, a plugin listed in installation.

Activating maintenance mode when your just starting your site is a good feature. But the issue occurs when you want to deactivate maintenance mode. The default caching seems to save the setting and setting it again to another mode doesn’t work.

Tried clearing cache after saving the settings and it goes back again to maintenance mode. The solution I come up is just simply deactivating the plugin (WP Maintenance Mode) in the plugin list. This issue seems to occur when using chrome. Though I didn’t try using a different browser.

Accessing WordPress Folders and Files via SFTP

Managing or just checking files in your server is always a good idea. And it is easy to browse files when you have such control on your hosting. Namecheap’s EasyWP secures this feature. And their tutorial suggested using FileZilla to connect via SFTP.

With this, you might received a false positive warning from your antivirus software when installing FileZilla. Beginners should always read legit NameCheap articles to prevent security problems like downloading malicious programs. Here’s NameCheap’s tutorial on how to manage files via SFTP.

But setting the virus detection issue aside, this problem can be prevented when you rely on using plugins. In most cases, the only time you access your server folders is when uploading search engine files and sitemaps. Yoast SEO in particular, helps handle everything from search engine verification to managing sitemaps.

Additional Information for WordPress Website in NameCheap EasyWP

EasyWP makes it very easy to handle WordPress website. It is a great product and the issues I listed or about to be listed is based on my experience. I’m still using it in my site and feels really contented about it. If you want to try it, you can visit Namecheap now.

As an additional tip, at the time of writing this post, Namecheap actually has unbeatable offers on domain transfer to EasyWP hosting. You might want to check it now. Well that’s it for now.

Good day and happy coding.

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